Anita Coliflor

I've never been a fan of cauliflower. I have been traveling around Europe and in some countries people eat it raw as an appetizer and then I started to see it with different eyes and enjoy it  with new taste buds which are now seeds of higher gastric juices and bile with the best intentions. "Anita Coliflor" is a theater play written and directed by Pablo Rosal, and definitely it is a vegetable with feet, head and more than half a brain. Humor full of poetry, as the only true humor can be, set in a town where to order a beer can be a tour of the most beautiful absurdity ever gone on stage. It is true that reality is stranger than fiction, but theater is also reality  planted in front of us, there, on stage, and occasionally so talented and elegant, like in the case of “Anita Coliflor”,  that should not pass us unnoticed. Thrist pressed but don’t drown, and deep talent like Pablo Rosal’s one, definitely saves us.

Text by Juan Carlos Romero
Image courtesy of Versus Teatre. All rights reserved