Little great songs

Nancy Landzo is working on a brand new album while presents L’amour tue a song that comes from passion, love, work, research, changes, trips and solitudes. It’s a part of a little music performed from Paris to New York in many clubs. After some collaboration works in words and music with other bands and soloists, also playing with the Organic Boheme Band, Nancy works on a debut solo album born in a generous and inventive universe just playing a guitar and some other little great things.

Your latest song is called L’amour tue. Love kills?

No, I don’t think so.

What can we find your beach?

The purest and most simple sensations.

Are your days so strange?

Often. I find strangeness all around me.

What do you think about today’s music?

It’s some of the best and some of the worst. There’s too much music that sounds like…we already heard that. But fortunately, there are a lot of attempts at innovation. And sincerity and authenticity are important too. And novelty, surprises, like the classics, that there is depth, something inherently good.

Are you a silence lover?

Everything revolves around silence. Silence, for me is essential.

Do you sing personal stories?

Intimate things, stories.

We all hear your beach in “La plage” but, where is your personal sea?

Somewhere...somewhere else. Here and the heart of a city, far the palm of your hands, at the end of my fingertips...

If love kills, death is all we need?


Write me a song.

Ok! I will send you one…

Interview by Juan Carlos Romero
Photo by Jérôme Faby. © Jérôme Faby